The RACE PRO is a course for experienced R&D professionals which will deepen your expertise in Innovation Management processes.
During the course, participants will hear from other R&D professionals about how they are working with innovations and running innovation management processes – and participants can reflect on how they can improve their own innovation management skills.
The course involves a series of three study visits to host industry partners at different stages of the raw materials value chain. Each study visit will be two days long. The study visits will be spread over six months, to fit in with your professional commitments.
Participants in the RACE PRO will gain the unique benefit of seeing ongoing innovation management cases before they are written in the textbooks. The RACE PRO is fully funded by EIT RawMaterials – selected participants only pay for your travel to and from the start and end of each study visit.
New application deadline: 29 November 2019, 12:00 CET.
Who should apply?
This course is targeted at experienced people, who are working in EIT RawMaterials industry partners or supported startups, with research roles such as team leader, expert advisor, process responsible or project coordinator.
Which industrial partners are involved and when do the visits take place?
The RACE PRO will include the following visits:
- Höganäs – Lund, Sweden: 11-12 December 2019
- Vito & Umicore – Mol & Brussels, Belgium: 24-25 March 2020
- Outotec – Espoo, Finland: dates to be arranged with participants
Please click here for full details including course content and logistical arrangements.
How do I apply?
Applications are now open, and will close on 29 November 2019 at 12:00 CET. Please apply using the FORM
If you have questions, feel free to contact academy@eitrawmaterials.eu.