Circular Cities Summer School
Looking for a great activity that gets you tuned in on sustainability and circular cities? Always wanted to re-think a city and improve its carbon footprint? Are you curious to see how other students from around the globe complement your insights with their multidisciplinary background? Then this Circular Cities summer school might just be your deal!
The next edition will be organised in September 2021. This edition will run in parallel in 3 Cities: Ghent (Belgium), Krakow (Poland), Mondragón (Spain/Basque Country). The summer school can be followed entirely online, so no travel needed!
We look forward to receiving your application!
About the Circular Cities summer school
During this 2 week online summer school, you are trained in novel solutions for sustainable circular cities, with a strong focus on the role and use of water, energy and raw materials in the transition movement.
Training sessions alternate with a multi-day tournament. In small multidisciplinary groups (5 students/group) you are challenged to re-design a city district, while dealing with imposed scenario’s and challenges on Water, Energy, and Raw Materials.

Online classes and interactive tournament.
Online or blended approach, depending on the location!

6-17th of September 2021. 2 full time weeks.

Every day from 9 am- 17 pm (GMT+1 time zone). Sunday free

Applications are open. Deadline: June 6th.

FREE summer school. You receive a proof of participation upon successful completion

For students with at least a bachelor degree and basic knowledge of chemistry, mathematics and physics