MOBI-US project
Transfering the knowledge and experience acquired in MOBI-US to other ESEE higher education institutions in the raw materials sector, to foster the creation of additional structured mobility networks in the region in a post-COVID era!
– Achievements of the first year of the MOBI-US project
– Benefits and issues in setting up a structured mobility at your HEI
– Skills and competences required by the raw materials sector
– Student mobility options and competence needs in the postCOVID period
Representatives of ESEE universities and faculties that offer raw
materials-related education programs
– Márton Beke, Tempus Public Foundation: Structure and options for the future of student mobilities
– Vitor Correia, INTRAW (International Raw Materials Observatory): Expected changes in the competence requirements for education programs in the raw materials sector post-COVID
– Manuel Regueiro, IGME (Geological and Mining Institute of Spain): Changes in the EU raw materials policy post-COVID
During the summer, participants will check their internal resources and capacity to join or organize structured mobilities
First part of the training will be held online on 18 June morning 9:00 – 12:00. Receiving a ‘homework’ for the summer period, the training participants will meet online again in September in Part 2. for the discussion of the training results.