The call for PhD Weekend: Autumn school for PhD candidates
The Doctoral Studies Department of Riga Technical University together with the EIT RawMaterials Baltic Hub is hosting the “PhD Weekend”, a 2-day autumn school which aims to combine an introductory seminar course for RTU 1st year PhD students and a course on the principles of commercialization of new technologies under the field of raw materials for PhD candidates from all study years.
After Ph.D. School you will
- gain new knowledge on how to planning an innovation process;
- get familiar with the principles of commercialization;
- get an introduction to «EIT RawMaterials Baltic/RIS Hub» and found out more information about the financing mechanisms.
When and where?
The school will take place in Riga, Latvia from 10th to 11th of September, 2021.
Who can apply?
The school targets PhD students across all research disciplines. The participation is free of charge for the selected students, but there are limited seats available.
An eligible candidate is:
- student or equivalent
- the professional focus of the study is in the field of raw materials
- The course is eligible only for participants from RIS countries (please see: https://eit.europa.eu/our-activities/eit-regional-innovation-scheme-ris)
- Only one PhD. the student who best meets the criteria will receive a scholarship
- English language proficiency is a compulsory condition (for a successful following of the course, as all course activities will be done in English)
How to apply?
- If you are interested in being awarded a scholarship, you must declare your interest together with the attached CV or Linkedin URL to: tomas.pavlik@tuke.sk
- After completing the first step, applicants must complete the registration form at https://bit.ly/phdweekend no later than 5th September 2021.
One selected PhD. the student will receive a scholarship of 1,500 EUR to cover travel and subsistence expenses, accommodation and other related expenses.
What does the selection process include?
The applications will be assessed by the qualifying committee at the Technical University of
Kosice based on:
- Relevant research focus
- Eligibility assessment
- Available capacity
- Availability to travel
- Level of English language proficiency
We reserve the right to change or cancel this call if necessary. More details and related questions via e-mail: tomas.pavlik@tuke.sk
Open call for PhD Weekend: RCK_Open call_RIS_Baltic
Scholarship applications must be submitted by September 5th 2021