EIT launches EUR 12 million call to boost innovation and reskilling in European Higher Education
EIT HEI call will support a new generation of deep tech talent in higher education
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and coordinator EIT RawMaterials are launching a new funding opportunity under the EIT HEI Initiative to boost innovation in higher education. EUR 12 million of EIT funding for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their partners will be available under the new call. The focus is on training tech talents in higher education, aligned with the EIT’s new flagship programme: Deep Tech Talent Initiative, set to skill one million European talents by 2023.
Higher Education Institutions: building the capacity to teach innovation and entrepreneurship
In the newly launched call, the EIT HEI Initiative, led by EIT RawMaterials, will select up to 16 projects involving consortia consisting of academic and non-academic organisations. A maximum of EUR 750 000 will be awarded to each project. HEIs and their partners from across Europe (including Horizon Europe associated countries) are encouraged to apply and join the EIT HEI Initiative network. HEIs from Ukraine are especially welcome to apply to the call.
The application system will open on 17 November 2022, and interested projects will have until 28 February 2023, 17:00 CET, to submit their applications. The selected projects will be announced in May 2023.
This new call for proposals builds on the success of the initiative’s two previous calls, which together awarded nearly 50 projects involving over 290 HEIs and 300 non-academic organisations (companies, research centres, public authorities, and associations). EIT HEI projects have trained over 9 900 students, academic, and non-academic staff. They have supported over 310 start-ups and scale-ups in a vibrant ecosystem in which HEIs act as hubs creating systematic impact, re-imagining entrepreneurship education, and driving innovation around Europe.
Organisations are encouraged to start preparing their application by reading the full call text available now on the EIT HEI Initiative website.
A series of information webinars will take place to provide more details and answer applicants’ questions. The webinars will cover eligibility requirements, evaluation, and administration. REGISTER NOW for the information sessions.
Session 1: General overview of the call – 17 November 2022, 11:00 CET (register by 15 November)
Session 2: Quality expectations and the deep tech focus – 5 December 2022, 15:00 CET (register by 2 December)
Seasons 3 and 4: Open question-and-answer sessions – 10 January 2023, 15:00 CET (register by 9 January) and 7 February 2023, 11:00 CET (register by 6 February)