Showcasing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the raw materials sector in Europe

This year, EIT RawMaterials in collaboration with the European Commission will be joining PDAC 2020 that will take place in Toronto, Canada. On 1-4 March, PDAC 2020 will gather companies active in mineral exploration and development sharing the vision of a globally responsible and sustainable minerals industry. The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is organizing a technology […]

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EIT scales-up support for innovators across Europe in 2020

The EIT’s eight Knowledge and Innovation Communities competed for EUR 500 million and were evaluated against their strategies and business plans for 2020, as well as their performance to date. Based on this, the EIT Governing Board decided to allocate the following grants  (in order of their selection in 2009, 2014, 2016, and 2018*): EIT Climate-KIC: EUR […]

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With only a handful of exceptions, capital cities and their regions are the most competitive and innovative in the EU. The quality of higher education, life-long learning opportunities, technological readiness, business sophistication and a high innovation potential make 25 capital-regions the most competitive regions in the EU, according to the 2019 edition of the Regional […]

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Cestovateľské prednášky na TUKE

13.11.2019 sme spolu s fakultou BERG a Ústavom geovied začali organizovať cestovateľské prednášky na TUKE. Doteraz bolo prezentovaných šesť prednášok, na ktorých sme sa dozvedeli veľké množstvo informácií nielen o tipoch na lacné letenky, možnostiach ubytovania a o zaujímavých výletoch, ale taktiež aj o  ťažbe a využívaní  nerastných surovín na polostrove Kola, na Kube a v Brazílii. Ďakujeme prednášajúcim: doc. Mgr. Juliánovi Kondelovi, PhD, […]

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The AMIR Master programme focuses on the raw material value chain, with particular emphasis on recycling. The two main objectives of the programme are: – To educate students to become highly-skilled European professionals with expertise in various types of materials. This expertise will enable them to develop, on a large and ambitious scale, new methods […]

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The RACE PRO is a course for experienced R&D professionals which will deepen your expertise in Innovation Management processes. During the course, participants will hear from other R&D professionals about how they are working with innovations and running innovation management processes – and participants can reflect on how they can improve their own innovation management skills. […]

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Sustainable Discovery & Supply Lighthouse Thesis Awards

Nominate students or graduates at Master’s or PhD level for outstanding thesis work EIT RawMaterials Academy announces the 2020 Thesis Awards in fields connected to our Sustainable Discovery & Supply Lighthouse. The prizes will be awarded to the students who are judged to have completed the best thesis dissertations relating to the digitalisation of the […]

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