EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Slovakia is the first point of contact for everyone who has an innovative idea and wants to turn it into a successful business model, is looking for support to accelerate their business, or is planning a complex research or educational project.
EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Slovakia supports innovation across the entire value chain of raw materials through financial support, know-how and the network of EIT RawMaterials.
The center’s activities are conducted under the auspices of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process control and Geotechnologies at the Technical University of Kosice. The center is established in cooperation with EIT RawMaterials – largest global partnership in the field of raw materials, with more than 200 partner organizations from academia, industry and research.
The center’s task is to mediate funding opportunities, know-how and the EIT RawMaterials’ partner network to support innovations in the circular economy, with an emphasis on the value chain of raw materials.
EIT RawMaterials has 3 key pillars of activities: Acceleration (which is mainly innovation-focused projects and startup support), Matchmaking & Networking, and Innovative Education.
Thematic scope of EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Slovakia includes:

Technologies and solutions for improved and new mineral exploration

Responsible sourcing
Technologies and solutions for more efficient, responsible and sustainable modern mining

Mineral and metallurgical processes
Technologies and solutions for mineral and metal processing and for improved materials production

Technologies and solutions for materials supply from secondary sources and recycling

Substitution of critical and toxic materials in products and for optimised performance
New technologies or services that make it possible to substitute or use lower quantities of critical or toxic materials in key industries

Circular Economy
Solutions and business models implementing circular economy concepts