Save the date for the physical event “Raw Materials Day 2024”, which will be held in Kulturpark exhibition area in Košice on 24 September 2024. This year we are preparing a networking event in cooperation with Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies, and organizers of the largest technology conference in Slovakia – SlovakiaTech. The aim of Raw Materials Day is to strengthen the regional cooperation of actors in the raw materials sector. The motto of the event is “The future of the mobility.“

Who can apply?
All actors in the value chain of raw materials: SMEs, universities, research organizations, non-governmental organizations, but also individuals including students, professors, teachers, researchers and citizens participating in the raw materials sector.

Why attend?
Raw Materials Day 2024 will bring together a forum of regional stakeholders in the raw materials sector, whose participation is important for the following reasons:

  • Acquaint the audience with the strategy of the European Commission and the Slovak Republic in the field of international cooperation along the value chain of raw materials;
    emphasize the need to implement activities in a unified way in order to achieve a synergetic effect on the innovation potential and economy of the region.
  • Achieve effective networking to involve stakeholders in specific EIT RawMaterials activities and European Commission initiatives.
  • Increasing the limit of acceptability of extraction of raw materials by the public through circular approaches.
  • Your participation will give you a better overview of the possibilities and ways to participate in the international activities of EIT Raw Materials in the form of collaborations and projects.

When and where?
On Tuesday, 24. September 2024 in Kulturpark exhibition area in Košice.

Raw Materials Day 2024 Agenda

Speakers will present current trends and strategies in the field of innovation and the raw materias sector connected with the future of the mobility, but will also present successful examples from the region and local companies working in the raw materials value chain, with whom you can establish cooperation.

Here you can find the registration form: