Výzva na Letnú školu v Banskej Štiavnici 2019
What and where?
Summer School is organized for Ph.D. students from the ESEE region in the duration of one week held in Banska Stiavnica (SK). Lectures are given by university professors across the European Union.
The objectives are as follows:
Most of the costs during Summer School are covered to participants by EIT RawMaterials. It includes Summer School participation, Summer School materials, Welcome Reception, Coffee breaks, Accommodation in Banská Štiavnica, Guided tours and Transportation expenses within the Summer School.
Selected students receive scholarship support of up to EUR 300.
Students will attend lectures of professors and experts from the mining field during the Summer School 2019.
The summer school also includes a field trip to the mining company to get acquainted old mining technologies
When and where?
The Summer School will held place in Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia on September 8th – 13th 2019.
Who can apply and how?
An eligible candidate is:
- Maximum capacity for the course is 15 students (PhD.).
- English language proficiency is a compulsory condition ( for a successful following of the course, as all course activities will be done in English)
The way of application:
- dana.tometzova@tuke.sk no later than 1 September 2019.
- the registration form can be found on this link or at http://hub.fberg.tuke.sk
What does the selection process include?
The applications will be assessed by the qualifying committee at the Technical University of Kosice based on:
- Relevant research focus/professional expertise
- Eligibility assessment
- Available capacity