Booster Call for start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs in response to the COVID-19 crisis
Accelerating support to innovators during the COVID-19 crisis
Výzva Booster Call zabezpečuje fnančnú podporu pre začínajúce malé a stredné podniky, ktoré sú postihnuté hospodárskymi dôsledkami pandémie COVID-19.
Konečný termín podania žiadosti: 12.6.2020
Kritéria spôsobilosti
- Increasing the TRL (from at least TRL 4).
- Building or expanding Intellectual Property.
- Carrying out customer validation or pilot testing. The call also supports initiatives to find potential customers among EIT RawMaterials partners.
- Expanding the market and reaching a global scale.
- Preparing post–crisis economic reality (explore new market opportunities, anticipate new commercial opportunities, maintain employment and innovation capacity).
Tematický rozsah
- Exploration
- Intelligent Mining
- Resource Efficiency
- Recycling
- Substitution
- Circular Economy