International Science Conference Strategies and innovations in the Raw Materials Policy of the Slovak Republic and the EU – importance of critical raw materials and energies

Save the date for the physical event “International Science Conference Strategies and innovations in the Raw Materials Policy of the Slovak Republic and the EU – importance of critical raw materials and energies”, which will be held at TUKE University Library in Košice on 6 December 2024. The aim of conference is to strengthen the […]

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Call for RIS Projects (RIS Capacity Building and RIS Innovation)

Together we are building a strong, sustainable raw materials sector in Europe Raw materials are crucial for Europe’s green and digital transformation. To secure Europe’s future, we must build a resilient, sustainable supply chain for critical raw materials and advanced materials within Europe. Innovation in mining, materials processing, and recycling is essential to Europe’s industrial […]

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Save the Date: Raw Materials Day 2024 in Košice!

Save the date for the physical event “Raw Materials Day 2024”, which will be held in Kulturpark exhibition area in Košice on 24 September 2024. This year we are preparing a networking event in cooperation with Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies, and organizers of the largest technology conference […]

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Medzinárodná banícka škola Dubrovník DIM ESEE 2024

Cestuj do Dubrovníka na workshop o inováciách v spracovaní nerastných surovín Medzinárodná škola DIM ESEE 2 je pokračovanie úspešného projektu, na ktorého riadení sa lokálne (ako partner projektu) podieľa Fakulta baníctva, ekológie, riadenia a geotechnológii Technickej univerzity v Košiciach. Projekt je zameraný na zvyšovanie inovatívnosti medzi odborníkmi v oblasti nerastných surovín v regiónoch východnej a […]

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Booster Call

An exceptional opportunity for start-ups, scale-ups, and SMEs to secure funding of up to €500,000 to propel innovation and sustainability in the raw materials value chain. Here is why this opportunity is tailor-made for you: 🚀 If your innovation falls within these themes: responsible sourcing, sustainable materials, and circular societies. 🚀 Financial support: Funding of […]

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Príležitosť pre študentov DIM ESEE-2 workshop: Inovácie v extrakcii

Milí študenti, ponúkame Vám príležitosť zúčastniť sa trojdňového spin-off workshopu Innovation in extraction (Inovácie pri ťažbe) v rámci fakultou riešeného projektu DIM ESEE-2, ktorý sa bude konať v Leobene (Rakúsko) v termíne od 9-11 Apríla 2024. Workshop je primárne určený pre študentov inžinierskeho štúdia programov, ktoré sú zamerané na baníctvo, získavanie zemských zdrojov alebo geológiu. Študent má na workshope […]

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KAVA Call 12 for Innovation and Education Projects is now open!

Calling all innovators, educators, startups, SMEs, and visionaries from the raw materials sector to apply for the 12th call for Knowledge and Innovation Community Added Value Activities (KAVA). This year, we’re seeking groundbreaking projects in innovation and education, encompassing Upscaling, RIS Innovation, RIS Capacity Building, or Master courses of excellence. Eligibility extends to all organisations […]

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The workshop will address several innovative extraction methods and review some of the latest future-oriented technologies. The latest achievements in the field of blasting will be presented, such as the use of computer modelling, the characterization of the rock mass for optimal fragmentation during blasting, and methods of reducing the unwanted effects of blasting. Innovations […]

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